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5th year portrait drawing

25x Mixed Ability, Mixed Gender, 3x EAL

Duration: 12x 40m lessons


To develop students’ skills and knowledge base in portrait drawing through a body of work, focusing on observation. Finishes with an A3 tonal observational head and shoulders portrait in dry media bringing together the skills and techniques learned, focusing on the theme of ‘communities’.

 The AEDPS most relevant to this UoL are Tone, Line, Proportion and Form. 

LEARNING outcomes

  • 1.4 demonstrate how they use drawing to observe, record and analyse the human figure and the world around them

  • 1.7 examine the method of a number of artists and the artwork they created

  • 1.11 consider the use of the art elements and design principles in their own artwork

  • 1.1 analyse their work, or that of another, using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge



  • To know how to measure facial proportions

  • To understand why proportions are important

  • To understand the importance of seeing and looking when drawing

  • To understand the concept of ‘general to specific’ and ‘Light to dark’

  • To Be Able To convey form through tone

  • To Understand how contrasting lights and darks can create a point of emphasis

  • To be able to analyse and evaluate the work of their peers using critical and visual language

LINKS and downloads

Unit of Learning 


  • All Students Must evaluate the work of their peers using critical and visual language

  • All Students Must start a series of four thumbnail sketches and choose the best one

  • Most Students Should have an understanding of the broader context behind a portrait and why artists create them

  • Most students should show understanding of light to dark by using light pencils, line pressure at the start and gradually moving darker

  • Most Students Should experiment with different monochrome media

  • Most Students Should work slowly and ensure proportions are accurate before applying tone

  • Some Students May wish to mount their completed work

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